
Coagulation disorder in Covid-19 patients in a North-African Setting

Coagulation disorder in Covid-19 patients in a North-African Setting

Salma Ait Batahar,

Pulmonology department, University hospital, Marrakech Morocco



Introduction: Up until now, the physiopathology of Covid-19 is still not well known.  Many studies have showed and alteration of the coagulation system during SARS-COV-2 infection. The aim of this study is to assess the variations in coagulation parameters in Covid-19 patients.

Method: We studied the coagulation biological parameters of 102 Covid-19 patients (group1, G1) and compared them to those of a control group (G 2).

Results: the mean age was 46 year-old for group 1 and 40 in group 2, with men predominance in both groups (55.4 % in G1 and 52.8 % in G2). The D-dimer rate was 1, 35±2.1 in G1 vs 0.18±0.05 in G 2, (p<0.001) and the fibrinogen level was 4.04 (±1.85) in G 1 vs 2.13 in G 2 (±0.308) (p <0.001), G1 had significantly higher levels than G2.  Prothrombin level was lower in G 1: 84.7 (±16.9) vs 93.1 (±6.60), (p<0.01).  There wasn’t a significant difference between the two groups regarding: the thrombocytes levels, the International Normalized Ratio (INR) and the activated cephalic time (p= 0.05). D-dimer and fibrinogen were higher in severe Covid-19 cases compared to moderate Covid-19 ones (p<0.001).

Conclusion: D-Dimer and Fibrinogen are biological markers for severe Covid-19 which is associated to an important disorder of the coagulation system. 



Salma Ait Batahar graduated from the school of medicine of Marrakech Morocco in 2008 at the age of 26 and completed her pulmonology residency at the university hospital of Marrakech between 2009 and 2013. She then became an assistant professor at the pulmonology department in 2014.  She is currently as associate professor at the pulmonology department of the university hospital of Marrakech.



Salma Ait Batahar

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